1. Developing a Moral Foundation for Kenya’s Vision 2030 – which was endorsed by NESC (National Economic & Social Council, chaired by the President and the Prime Minister).
2. Designing the Moral Foundations led to partnership with NESC in formulating National Values that were incorporated in Kenya’s new constitution (Chapter 6- Integrity).
3. The values were developed with other stakeholders (National Values Implementation Task Force under the Ministry of Justice, Cohesion & Constitutional Affairs).
4. Mentoring youth (the next generation of leaders) in schools, universities and communities
5. Monthly Business Leadership forum for transforming Business/Corporate sector (reducing corruption and other vices) through application of 30 Ethical Business principles and values.
6. Transformational initiatives in leader’s own organization, neighborhood or community
7. Mobilizing professionals to lead from values–a key challenge for the Kenyan society.
8. In the run-up to 2010 Constitutional referendum, ELNET created a peace pledge that was approved by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission for use by other players.
9. During the drafting and passing of the 20 bills in August 2011, ELNET mobilized professionals from many Churches to scrutinize the draft bills and to send memoranda to the various drafting bodies as well as the Constitutional Implementation Commission.
10.Encouraging responsible Christian stewardship by promoting wealth and job creation – esp. in addressing Kenya’s youth bulge. The J & WC group organizes visits to the 17,000 acre Dominion Farm in Siaya which train youth in commercial agriculture, aquaculture, etc.
11. ELNET has partnered with Churches, NGOs, NCCK and EAK (Church umbrella bodies) to organize a values-based Civic Education and Vetting Involvement TOT for 70.
13.ELNET gave National Cohesion/Integration ideas to Commission led by Hon Kaparo.
14.In Sept 2016 ELNET and other partners NIMEAMUA Kuwa Ethical mentorship program at MISC Kasarani Stadium. About 1600 participants took part
15. Wajibika Governance Initiative. We held a 2 day Governance Forum dubbed Mimi Mkenya Nitawajibika on 27th and 28th August 2016. at the International Leadership University